A proven strategy to boost your NPS scores

The solution to boosting customer satisfaction and NPS scores?

Say hello to Albert 👋 he’s the hero of our e-learning app for Virgin Media’s retail staff. Played on employees own in-store iPads or their personal Android and iOS devices – he keeps 1,200 Sales Execs clued up and in the know.

How does he do it?

There are three daily challenges for staff to complete. They receive experience points (XP) every time they play and boost their score by answering correctly. The leaderboard shows who knows their stuff.

Expect speedy results – Virgin Media saw an increase of 7.4% in their knowledge rating from customers in just three months! A 9.4% increase in their NPS score in the first 3 months following launch. Along with a 2.2% average increase in sales every single month!

Staff win spot prizes whenever playing and at the end of each week everyone in the store gets together for the live weekly 'Buzz Session'. The location's weakest questions show up and the whole team answer them by buzzing in from their devices.

Report and refine

Albert doesn't just plug the knowledge gaps, he finds them too! Using data captured from each game played he'll show questions where staff scored poorly in. This allows these weaker questions to be repeated - reinforcing knowledge through repetition. Virgin Media have seen scores double from this!

Let the games begin

It never gets boring answering questions in Albert. Players are given XP for attempting the question and rewarded bonus XP for getting it right. Helpful and useful feedback is given once questions are answered, bridging any knowledge gaps whilst providing more context. Staff engagement can be evidenced through employee surveys which highlighted that 65% of employees play in their own time, and 97.5% like or love playing Albert.

If you need help improving your customer satisfaction levels get in touch!



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