Measure, Analyse, Improve and Control – bringing employee stats to frontline management

Far too many employee tools give the insight to head office whilst hiding valuable information from those who really make the difference; your frontline workers. To help your frontline workers boost operational performance and increase their sales, we’ve launched a new Stats dashboard to give them insight into their team and own personal employee stats – all through our Engage app for staff.

By enabling the staff such as regional managers, field trainers and team leaders to see their team’s performance, you empower them to use their experience to fix problems and drive change. Leaving head office to think strategically and only having to worry about the exceptions.

We’ve split this into three core areas proven to impact performance; Knowledge, Compliance and Culture. Everything is scored so you can see where you sit compared to your region and what can be done to boost your score.

Knowledge Employee Stats

Learning and knowledge are vital, especially for distributed staff who struggle to find the time for learning. Engage uses microlearning and short playlists to fit into people’s lifestyle and their preferred way of learning; we combine this with an employee’s engagement with the company knowledgebase, and if they’ve played our gamified learning app, Albert. This creates a knowledge score for each team and a stat for each employee.

Compliance Employee Stats

Compliance is more than just following the rules; it should encourage behaviours and step far beyond box-ticking.

We give insight into whether compliance tasks are overdue, results from audits, daily checklists alongside the policies they’ve acknowledged (coming soon!). This means your store audits, FCA compliance observations, operational checklists and vehicle checks all feed into the overall compliance score.

By measuring and scoring compliance, staff have a benchmark and goal to drive 100% compliance.

Culture Employee Stats

Culture and employee engagement can be hard to track. Rather than rely on outdated annual surveys, Engage measures meaningful employee stats – do they engage with your company and colleagues?

We show how active your staff are at keeping up to date with your latest news, the recognition from their colleagues, their achievements or trophies and how they’re performing in their staff reviews.

Continual Improvement

Performance is tracked over time to help spot trends and support staff in continual improvement. Staff and managers can zoom in to specific employee stats to focus on areas most in need of improvement.

We are continuously improving Engage to give you and your team the best employee experience! If you are looking for a solution to boost productivity and increase engagement, chat to our friendly team now!


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