What is a Preboarding App?

A Preboarding App is a digital tool designed to engage new hires before their official start date. It aims to streamline the preboarding process, providing future employees with essential information, resources, and tasks to complete, thereby easing their transition into the organisation. Features might include introductions to the company culture, team members, organisational structure, and any necessary paperwork that can be completed in advance. The goal is to make new hires feel welcomed, informed, and prepared from day one.

Why is a Preboarding App relevant to internal comms?

A Preboarding App is relevant to internal communications as it represents a proactive approach to engaging new hires, setting the tone for transparent and efficient communication. By providing a platform for early engagement, the app helps in building a positive first impression, fostering a sense of belonging, and ensuring new employees are well-aligned with the company's values and expectations from the outset. This early engagement is crucial for long-term employee satisfaction and retention.

Examples of a Preboarding App in internal comms

An example could include a mobile app that gives new hires access to a welcome message from the CEO, a virtual tour of their future workplace, and interactive content about the company's history and values. Another feature might be a checklist of pre-start tasks, such as submitting documents or completing online training modules.

Best practices for a Preboarding App

  • Ensure the app is user-friendly, accessible on multiple devices, and provides a secure platform for submitting personal information.

  • Include engaging and interactive content that not only informs but also builds excitement about joining the company.

  • Regularly update the app content to reflect any changes in the organisation or onboarding process.

Common challenges for a Preboarding App

  • Keeping the app content engaging and relevant to a diverse range of new hires.

  • Encouraging new hires to actively engage with the app and complete preboarding tasks.

  • Integrating the app with existing HR systems to ensure a smooth transition from preboarding to onboarding.

What does a Preboarding App mean for frontline teams?

For frontline teams, a Preboarding App can provide a clear understanding of their role, the team dynamics, and the organisational culture before they start, leading to a smoother integration into their new position. It ensures they are better prepared and more confident when they begin their role, contributing to a more effective and cohesive team.

Preboarding App FAQs

  1. How can internal comms ensure the effectiveness of a Preboarding App?

    • By incorporating feedback from recent hires to improve the app's content and functionality, ensuring it meets the needs of new employees.

  2. What impact does a Preboarding App have on new hire retention?

    • A well-designed Preboarding App can significantly improve new hire retention by making them feel valued and part of the team even before their first day.

  3. How can the success of a Preboarding App be measured?

    • Through metrics such as user engagement rates, completion rates of preboarding tasks, and feedback from new hires regarding their preboarding experience.


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