What is a Traditionalist?

A Traditionalist typically refers to an individual or group that adheres to long-established practices, values, and norms within a company or society. In the workplace, Traditionalists are often associated with the older generations of employees who prefer conventional ways of working and communicating. They may favour face-to-face meetings, formal communication channels, and a hierarchical organizational structure.

Why is understanding Traditionalists relevant to internal comms?

Recognizing the preferences and communication styles of Traditionalists is crucial for internal communications professionals to ensure messages are effectively received and understood by all segments of the workforce. By understanding the values and expectations of Traditionalist employees, internal comms can tailor strategies to include more traditional communication methods alongside newer digital approaches, ensuring inclusivity and engagement across all age groups.

Examples of accommodating Traditionalists in internal comms

An example of accommodating Traditionalists in internal communications might include providing printed newsletters or memos in addition to digital communications, ensuring that information is accessible in formats they are comfortable with. Another example could be organising regular face-to-face town hall meetings or briefings, which align with their preference for direct, personal communication.

Best practices for engaging Traditionalists

To engage Traditionalists effectively, consider the following:

  • Incorporate traditional communication channels like print media, face-to-face meetings, and formal announcements.

  • Show respect for their experience and contributions to the company.

  • Provide clear, detailed information and avoid overly casual language.

  • Ensure they feel valued and included in change processes, leveraging their insight and experience.

Common challenges when communicating with Traditionalists

Challenges might include:

  • Bridging the gap between traditional and digital communication preferences.

  • Encouraging adoption of new technologies or processes.

  • Ensuring that changes are communicated in a way that respects their experience and perspectives.

Traditionalists FAQs

  1. How can we encourage Traditionalists to embrace new communication tools? Start with comprehensive training and support, highlighting the benefits and efficiencies gained from new tools, and pair them with a buddy who is proficient in these technologies.

  2. Can Traditionalists adapt to modern workplace cultures? Absolutely. While they may have a preference for traditional ways of working, many Traditionalists are capable of and willing to adapt, especially when they see the value and are given the proper support.

  3. How do Traditionalists contribute to workplace diversity? Traditionalists bring a wealth of experience, stability, and a different perspective that can complement the skills and viewpoints of younger generations, enriching the workplace culture.


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