Employee training plan template download for frontline teams 2024

You’re here because you know the value of effective sales training for frontline teams and if done right, training plans can positively impact your bottom line. Did you know, that companies that offer comprehensive training programs have 218% higher income per employee than companies without them?

To make the most out of sales training in 2024 it should be done consistently and results should be tracked. To help you stay on task with all the training requirements of every employee in your business, we’ve created a 2024 sales training plan template which you can download for free.

It’s completely customisable and makes it simple and easy to track training efforts, measure results and create action plans moving forward.

What are the benefits of employee training plans?

Employee training shouldn’t be something that happens when you feel like it, as with most things in life, training has to be done consistently for you to see the results.

A training plan makes it easy for you and your employees to see what they need to get done, where they need to improve and their progress.

Without a training plan, it will be very difficult to ensure your employees are always progressing, developing and are on task with what they need to get done to improve.

Instructions for completing your free employee training plan template


Fill in the name of the employee.

Learning area

Write which learning area you would like your employee to develop their skills in. For example; upselling, health and safety, customer service or digital marketing. Select one and write it in the box.


Write the role or position of the employee.

Line Manager

This can either be the line manager of the employee or the supervisor who will be managing their training requirements.


Which department of the company do they work in, this is useful when analysing training results. You can assess which departments are succeeding or struggling.

Learning review start date

Write the start date of the learning review for the specific learning task area. We recommend that you use the table for one employee and one learning task. For example, if you filled out one for upselling, make another sheet for customer service and so on. This makes it easier to keep track and ensure each area of development gets ticked off.

Training courses to complete

Write down which courses the employee needs to complete in relation to the overall learning area. For example, all learning modules in relation to upselling.

Type of training

Fill in what the method of training will be for the course which you mention. For example, is it face to face training, digital training, microlearning, zoom presentation etc?

Deadline to complete

When does your employee have to complete their training by? This field is crucial because without a deadline to complete, you’ll find that learning tasks get pushed to the bottom of the to-do list and never get completed. To see results you need the training to be done on time all the time.


Use this field to update the status of a training task, has it been completed yes or no?


What result did the employee achieve on their training course. Only applicable to digital learning courses or presentations which use checklists or knowledge retention assessments at the end.

Comments from Supervisor

Write down any comments which are relevant to the specific learning task. For example, Bob didn’t write any notes in his face-to-face training session this is why he forgets the knowledge he learns. Remember to bring a notepad and pen next time.

How to improve and develop

Looking at the results achieved from the specific learning task, write down your recommendations for how the employee can improve and develop in the future. For example, Bob struggles with product knowledge but is great at listening to improve product knowledge complete XYB training modules. Then add those modules to the Excel training plan template sheet.

Training tasks to complete

Write down all of the specific tasks which your employee has to complete in relation to the overall learning task. For example, if your overall learning task was upselling write down actionable tasks such as; upsell to two existing customers or upsell one gold broadband package. You can add as many of these as you like.


What are the key performance indicators (KPIs) which you are going to use to measure the success of the tasks. For example, an increase in revenue, an improved Net Promoter Score or perhaps an improvement in the time taken to do certain tasks.

Deadline to complete

Crucial for making sure the learning task gets completed. Make sure the deadline isn’t too soon which means the employee is more likely to fail but isn’t too far away that the task becomes too easy.


Write down if the employee managed to complete the task.


Using the KPI which we discussed earlier, jot down the result which the employee achieved. For example, a 60% increase in sales, 30-minute reduction in time taken to complete ward cleaning checks etc.

Comments from supervisor

Use this box to talk about how you think the employee did and any pitfalls you could see which prevented them from doing better.

How to improve and develop

Write down how the employee can improve for next time, this is crucial to ensure your employee is always progressing and developing.

For example, Bob was afraid of offering additional products to complete his upselling task. To improve, he should work on his confidence and practice offering additional products even if he thinks the customer won’t agree. Stop assuming and start asking customers, practice with your colleagues if you need some extra support.

General tips for the employee training plan template download

  1. Use it on as many employees for as many different training areas as you like. Add multiple sheet tabs if you want to add more training areas.

  2. Make sure you and your employee have access to the sheet this will help you both stay on track.

  3. Make sure your tasks are S.M.A.R.T - Specific, measurable, accurate, realistic and timely.

  4. Always keep it updated with any new courses or tasks which you require your member of staff to complete.

  5. Use your training plan template in your employee reviews to help demonstrate their efforts.

Tracking results

Whilst an employee training plan template is great for keeping everyone on track with what they need to get done, it can be tricky for you to analyse results, trends and patterns.

If you really want to see results it could be worth considering a digital training plan tool such as Engage.

Engage makes it easy to carry out training reports which you can do on any mobile, tablet or desktop device. You can set tasks within the report and your employees will see these in their task lists within the app.

Every time you complete a training report you will get a scored card that shows you top insights and bottom insights, where the employee is struggling or succeeding with feedback on what the employee needs to do to improve.

Best of all, every training report completed within your company will be used to develop overall insights. For example, you’ll be able to see which areas of training your whole company are struggling with or filter down to specific regions. This can help you fine-tune your training and ensure you are supporting your people in the best way possible.

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