Comms and engagement ideas for frontline teams

Ben Collier Ben Collier

Here’s what people hate most about your hiring process

It's amazing how so many companies still don't provide an exceptional hiring process. It is so important if you want to attract and retain the very best talent! We tell you the mistakes you could be making that are putting your potential future employees off from working for you.

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

5 fascinating reasons to be addicted to digital learning

Are you still using traditional learning methods like classroom training and presentations on their own with no digital support? Discover why they aren't as effective and how digital learning can save you time, money and dramatically improve performance.

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

4 interesting reasons why your employees are so damn lazy

One of the top questions people ask is 'why are my employees so lazy?' It's a big cause for concern for many companies and it can leave managers wondering what they can do to combat it. We tell you the main reasons why your employees seem lazy and exactly how to tackle the issue.

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

How to make employees feel recognised in a large organisation

Everyone knows the bigger the organisation, the harder it is to make every individual feel appreciated. But this isn't a problem that you should turn a blind eye to. Here are 6 steps to help you recognise your employees no matter how big your company is:

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

A proven strategy to boost your NPS scores

Are you struggling with your NPS scores and nothing seems to be working to boost them? Discover the proven strategy to increase your scores and keep your customers happy.

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

How to align your training with strategic goals and objectives

The only way to achieve your goals and objectives is through your employees. To ensure people are well equipped to meet them you need to make sure they are fully trained in the right areas. Below we tell you simple steps to ensure your training programme is properly aligned with your strategic goals and objectives.

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

Why non-desk employees resist digital change

Introducing change into your organisation is very hard, and sometimes harder when your team is mostly non-desk employees. We tell you why they are likely to resist and what you can do to solve the issues.

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Ben Collier Ben Collier

How to keep communication levels strong in a large non-desk team

So you've built up your large team and things are going well, the only problem is that communication amongst your team seems to be slipping, sound familiar? We tell you how you can keep communication levels strong and ensure that everyone is always working as efficiently as they can.

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